This Week At RCLC:

Mon.   7/8       LEGO Camp, 9:30 AM – 12 PM

                        Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting , 7 PM

Tues.  7/9       LEGO Camp, 9:30 AM -12 PM

Wed.   7/10    LEGO Camp, 9:30 AM – 12 PM

                        Prayer Night, 7 PM

Thurs. 7/11    LEGO Camp, 9:30 AM – 12 PM

                        Worship Rehearsal, 7 PM

Fri. 7/12`         LEGO Camp, 9:30 AM – 12 PM


Save the Date:

July 8 – Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting, 7 PM

July 17 – Meet at Faircraft, 7 PM

July 20, Celebration of Life for Hans Heyn, 11 AM

July 21 – Mission Bake Sale

VBS WEEK – July 22 – 26

VBS Grill Out and Potluck, 5:30 PM

Women’s Retreat – 10/19


Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting – Monday 7/8 – 7 PM

Holy Grounds Coffee Talks – Join Pastor at the coffee bar following the service to discuss the days message. Everyone is welcome!

VBS: Scuba – Diving Into Friendship with God – VBS comes again this July 22nd to the 26th!  Please pray for this ministry and the staff. .

VBS: Scuba Grill Out and Potluck – Friday, July 26- 5:30 – 7 PM – Join us as we celebrate VBS as a congregation with our VBS Families!  It’s a potluck so bring a dish to share!!

Can Drive – Keep up to date with our can drive via the website. This month’s cans go to support Seminarian Zach Eshelman, as he pursues his education at Concordia Seminary St. Louis.

Red Wings Game – August 2nd @ 6:45pmClick here to purchase tickets and join us for a night out at Innovative Field for a Red Wings game! Tickets run $10.00 per person. We ask that all online purchasers cover the additional charge tax. Tickets will be dispersed the Sunday before the game. 

Submit announcements before 9am on Wednesday to:
